In 2020, I was killing it…or was I?

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In 2020, I had the privilege of spending almost the entire year upleveling. 

I upleveled not only myself, but my business, the relationship that I had with myself, and others.  On the outside, it appeared as if I was really killing it.  I was enrolled in a high level business program, I started my podcast, I closed my acupuncture practice to do exactly what I had always dreamed of.  

In my mind, I was showing up in ways that I never had before.  And as I started to get more recognition and attention for being more outspoken and public, I thought that I was on to something big.  

But another remarkable thing also happened in 2020.  My mentor, who was running the business program I was in, called me out for hiding.  

He didn’t go into much detail other than he invited me to start showing up more.  

For much of 2020, I contemplated his words, often confused by them.  

I had a podcast, I wrote regularly on social media, I had no qualms about doing live video….

To the outsider, ‘hider’ most likely would not be a word that one would call me.  

But as the year unraveled and even into 2021, I really started to understand what he meant by hiding.  And furthermore, how my hiding hindered my life tremendously.  

I hid my desires and my truest authentic self from my partner. 

I hid purchases and financial information from my partner. 

I hid my truest voice, the voice of who I truly am, from the world.  Despite all the inner work, I was still trying to fit inside a box that wasn’t me.  I avoided tough conversations, speaking my truth, speaking up, and all forms of authentic voice using.  

Warriors...I hid my vulnerabilities, my fears, my truest nature from the world.  

Today, I am still unfolding.  I’m still coming out from hiding.  But the more I share, the more I heal and am able to come out more.  

I told my closest friends that I have nothing but empathy for those who come out of the closet.  You have my utmost admiration and respect.  

I tell you this because I know someone out there is reading this and is also hiding, and chances are, you are suffering because of it.  

If you are a hider, know that I stand with you, and I see you.  

Stay tuned, Warriors.  My business is changing and I don’t know exactly where it is going, but in the meantime, if you are a hider, I want to help you in any way I can.  

Let’s chat; there is absolutely no obligation to chatting with me.  

I understand how deep this conditioning is, and I want you to know that there is another side to hiding.  

Schedule a 20 minute chat with me here.


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