The Making of an Empowered Warrior; Part 2

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Last week, I had the opportunity to help my mentor, who I have been studying with for the last 18 months, with helping new students decide if they wanted to continue their studies after taking his signature 3 month Transformational Coaching Program.  

When this opportunity came through, I was still awake, at around 2am, not able to sleep.  Normally, I do not open my computer or phone when I am unable to sleep, and I instead use my many techniques to get me back to sleep, or I use the quiet time to connect with my higher self.  

And because life gives you just what you need when you need it, I knew there was a reason I was awake, and uncharacteristically on my laptop. I excitedly signed up to help out and couldn’t wait to put all of the skills to use that my mentor has been teaching me this past year.  

It was a blissful week of talking to the new students, many of them wanting to sign up for the year long business program that I just completed, but they had concerns.  Time and money were the concerns most of them had initially.  When I was able to go deeper with them, asking questions to help them identify the beliefs that were underneath the time and money stories, it turns out that for all of them, it wasn’t a matter of not having enough time or not having enough money.  But it was a matter of them working from old stories that told them they weren’t good enough. 

Not being good enough shows up as many different types of stories.  The stories that are most common are:

⇒ Fear of not having enough money, or running out of money

⇒ Fear of not having enough time

⇒ Fear of loss, of any kind

⇒ Lack mindset

⇒ Not going after something you really want out of fear of being judged, fear of discomfort, etc

⇒ Depression, anxiety, or mental illness

⇒ Not being in integrity with yourself, not following through with what you say you’re going to do for yourself, taking care of other people’s needs before your own

⇒ Lack of self love, self confidence, self esteem, self worth

...I could go on and on and on...but chances are, you are probably starting to get the picture.  

One of the most powerful exchanges I had while I was on my ‘Telethon’ last week was with this one particular student.  

In the interest of protecting his privacy, I won’t give too much away, but he has a business that has the potential to bring health, well being, and peace to many people.  

He wanted to scale and grow his 6-year-old business and he had never made such a large investment in himself before. 

His initial concern was about the money.  But after digging deep with him,  he was able to realize that he was working from an old identity in making this decision to grow his business.  

He was trying to become a six-figure entrepreneur with a 5 figure entrepreneur’s mindset.  

He admitted that for 6 years, he hasn’t been able to break 6 figures.  

Einstein once said, ‘No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it’.  

You are probably aware of that quote, aren’t you?  

But are you fully aware of what Einstein meant when he said that?  

As I spoke further with this beautiful human the other night, it became obvious to him that in order to break six figures, he cannot try to ‘solve the problem’ with 5 figure entrepreneur identity. 

We hung up, and I asked him to keep me posted on what he decided to do.

I woke up the next morning to learn that he decided to choose himself! 

He decided to make this big decision not from his old, five-figure identity, but from his new, successful six-figure identity.  

And he later revealed that much of what was getting in his way were old stories that were rooted in shame.  Stories that have been around since he was a small child.  Stories that not him, but someone else told him about what was right, and what was wrong.  

When he tapped into who he truly was and made the decision from his higher self, he knew that there was no question what the answer was.  

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I could tell you how powerful you will be by simply tapping into your essence, your inner knowing, and your higher self, but that is something that can only be discovered for yourself.  

Warriors...we live in tumultuous times.  And the only way things are going to shift and change as a society is when we decide to shift and change on the individual level.  

The second pillar of my business, Spirituality, is often misunderstood as being associated with ‘the woo’. Not that there's anything wrong with ‘the woo’, but for many people who tend to be more left-brain analytical, the word ‘spirituality’ can sometimes be off-putting.  

But spirituality, Warriors, is simply the connection that we all have to our higher selves.  It’s the higher wisdom that we can all tap in to in order to make decisions, and attract the life that we want. When we are in the state of being, anything is possible, Warriors. 

Meaning, 100% possible, 100% of the time.  

The reason I told the story of the entrepreneur who made that big decision to invest from his new identity, Warriors, is because that story is the perfect example of someone who tapped into his higher self to make the decision to grow his business.  

I am so excited to help more entrepreneurs in 2021, Warriors!  

Thank you for reading!  

With Abundance and Higher Self Decisions,

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Is Your Foundation Strong enough for you and your business?


The Making of an Empowered Warrior; Part 1