Money doesn’t grow on trees, does it?

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If you’re like many people, you probably grew up believing that having a lot of money was really hard to have.  

Or that people with lots of money are greedy. 

Or that there is something inherently bad about having financial abundance. 

You may be reading this and be a millionaire, and still have those beliefs from your childhood around shame and money. 

Or, growing up, you may have never received a proper education about money, and never learned how to manage finances.

Here’s the thing…

If you want things to change in your life, your finances, or in the world:

It’s time to normalize having conversations about money.  

It’s time to recognize that money is everywhere.

It’s time to recognize that money is energy and is a reflection of our consciousness.  

Low prosperity consciousness = Low self worth, self esteem, self confidence

And while many might argue that money isn’t everything, and that there are more things in life that are more important than money, what many fail to consider is that because money is energy, Money.Is.Infinite, just like our consciousness and the universe to which it belongs. 

If that doesn’t make any sense, don’t worry.  One day, it will.  This is what I write about and teach my students. 

In the meantime, I invite you to rewrite your money story, especially if your story revolves around shame, lack of worthiness, and lack.

Here are some fun activities for you to invite more abundance into your life:

  1. Write a love letter to money.  Pretend you’re writing it to someone you really love.  Even if it feels silly or you don’t fully believe it, write it anyway.  Post it somewhere where you’ll be able to see it and read it daily.  Trust me, it works!

  2. Rewrite your money story!  To do this, get out your journal and write down everything you learned about money.  All the stories and limited beliefs that you heard either while growing up, or stories you have learned along the way.  Get it all out of your head and down on paper.  Tear it out and set it aside.  Then once you’re done, light a candle. Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths.  Ask your higher self what your new story is.  Trust that the answer will come.  Then, after a few minutes, get out your journal and write out your new story.  Include everything that comes to mind, even if it sounds unrealistic.  Go big and aim high!  Once you’re done writing your new story, put it in a safe place and set a reminder in your calendar to check your new story in a year from the day.  Continue to work on your money story and your inner landscape.  Really commit and form habits that support your new identity, (more coming in this newsletter; stay tuned!).  As with your old story, my invitation to you is to create a little ritual of releasing your old identity around money.  I recommend doing it around the new moon.  I enjoy (safely) burning things like this on the new moon.  

Stay tuned...because this is the first blog of a series of 12 blogs that will dive deep into concepts such as Financial Abundance, Energy Balance, Chinese Medicine, and Spirituality. 

Four pillars which, in my interpretation, create a synergy of beautifulness when we align with ourselves and lean in to these pillars to create the F.I.R.E. (Financial Abundance, Inner Peace, Radiance, and Energy Balance) that we all deeply DESIRE in life. 

You are worth all of it, Warrior, 

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P.S. If you have had enough of the injuries, stress, and lack of ease in your life, and you want to Reclaim Your F.I.R.E. this year, Warrior, book your call here.

Listen to The Empowered Warrior Podcast Here

My wish for you this year is that you expand and grow beyond your wildest dreams. 

I wish that you bring on the F.I.R.E, ( Financial Abundance, Inner Peace, Radiance, and Energy Alignment) that you DESIRE.

I am so excited for you and your expansion this year.


2020 was the year to burn it all down


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