you are responsible for everything that happens in your life

Do you believe that you are responsible for everything that happens in your life?  

This is one of the questions on my application to work with me 1 to 1.  Every quarter I take a small number of 1 to 1 clients, who start the process by filling out an application.  

I have often wondered if I should remove this question, because I’ve felt that the question scares people off; meaning, that if they believe that they are not responsible for everything that happens to them, then they will get turned away. 

Thing is; as I mention all the time, right and wrong thinking is what often will keep us stuck in life, won’t it?  

The intention of me asking this question is: 

🔥To get a feel for where people are in their lives AND

🔥To get potential clients thinking about their self responsibility before the call begins. 

Here’s the thing to remember about self responsibility:  

Just like so many things in life, the choice to be responsible for your life is a habit, just as blaming others and staying in victim mode is a habit.  

It took me many years to understand the freedom and inner peace that is possible as a result of taking personal responsibility for my life.  

And as a result, if I am not happy, being in the habit of remaining responsible allows me to shift out of that state and to choose a state to be in that serves my higher self and aligns to who I am.

What most people will never realize is that working from their higher self and aligning is the magic secret to having the health, the finances, the inner peace, and the energy that so many desire but don’t have.  

I have a few spots open for 1 to 1 coaching for the summer, (or winter if you are in the Southern Hemisphere) months.


How can I choose to show up powerfully?


For most of my life, my weight was never an issue.